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Unibox Screen Overview
Unibox Screen Overview
Updated over a week ago

The HeyReach unibox allows you to manage all conversations from all leads from all LinkedIn senders, centralized in one place. No need for context switching - just hop in, and start booking meetings.

Here's a video tutorial overview of our Unibox screen.

✨ The Unibox allows you to also manage your team's LinkedIn accounts, on their behalf. No need for context switching, logging in all LinkedIn accounts separately, pinging people to reply to their LinkedIn inboxes. This is super useful for one SDR/VA managing multiple LinkedIn accounts.

To get started, navigate to the Unibox option in the left sidebar menu, and select a conversation.

The Unibox is separated into 3 main segments:

  • The first one is where all conversations from all LinkedIn senders are listed, and where you can add filters or search for specific leads

  • The central one is where all the chatting happens

  • The third one is the lead's info, where you can add tags, find/add email address, and manage all the info about the lead you're having the conversation with

Filtering leads

By clicking on the filters icon (next to the 'Search leads' bar), you can access the filters:

  • Senders: You can pick which senders' LinkedIn inboxes you want to see

  • Campaigns: Choose which campaigns' conversations you want to see

  • Tags: Filter leads' that are tagged with a specific tag

  • Message type: Choose between LinkedIn messages, Sales Navigator messages, or Recruiter messages, or see all of them in one place

  • Replied conversations: Choose between Answered (you've answered to the lead) or Unanswered (the lead's message is the last in the conversation; you haven't replied yet)

  • Sort by: Sort by the new conversations or put the unread on top

By clicking on a conversation you can chat with that lead.

A pretty nice thing about HeyReach is that you can collaborate in the inbox with your team. Even if you are not the owner of that LinkedIn account, you can still engage with the lead on your teammate's behalf. For example, Ilija can talk with the lead from Ebru's account.

✨ One of the best tips about being effective in Unibox is: never pitch-slap your leads. You already got the lead to reply, so take it slowly. Try to build a relationship, communicate like a real person, and slowly get to the point.

Note: You can't add attachments in the HeyReach unibox yet. It's a work in progress, and it should be live in the upcoming period.

When you are chatting with your lead, keep in mind that sending the message is not instant. Once you send the message, there's a couple of seconds delay until that message is delivered to the lead's inbox.
Technical explanation: Sometimes when the proxy assigned to the LinkedIn sender is a bit slower, it may take longer to process the message.

Canned messages

One of the productivity features of the unibox is the ability to send canned messages.

Click on the + sign next to the input for the message.

A template library will be opened, and you'll be able to add new canned messages, or use the ones you've already created.

The canned messages can save you a lot of time if you are running campaigns where you have an already predefined message based on the lead's response.

Example: You run a campaign where you ask the users if you can send them a video that showcases your product. If the lead answers positively - you can use your canned message for sending that video (eg: "Thanks! Here is the link, let me know what you think.")

There are a couple of activities you can do with the lead from the Unibox:

  • Assign tags to the lead

  • Adding the lead to a CRM

  • Adding the lead to another lead list

  • Adding the lead to another campaign/sequence (re-engagement)

Add the lead to a CRM

With a single click, you can add that lead in your CRM. To be able to see this option, make sure you've set an integration with our supported CRMs (HubSpot, Go High Level, Close, or Pipedrive).

Click the 'Export to CRM' button in the conversation with the lead, and all of the data about that lead (including the whole LinkedIn conversation) will be added to the CRM. Keep in mind that the sync to the CRM is executed on a click, and is only one-directional (HeyReach to CRM) for now.

In HubSpot, you'll be able to see the whole LinkedIn conversation as a note.

Add lead to a list

If you want to add the lead to an existing lead list in HeyReach, you can easily do it by clicking the 'Add to list' button. Choose the list you want to add the lead to, or create a new one and add it there.

Add lead to a campaign

You can add a lead to an already-running HeyReach campaign. Some people call these campaigns "subsequences". This feature is super useful if you are re-engaging with that lead.

Add tags to leads

One of the most used features in the unibox. You can create and assign tags to the leads in the unibox.

You can create, edit, assign tags. Change the name or the colors.

You can also filter leads by their tags.

You can do all of these actions in bulk - on a couple of leads at the same time.

Apply filters to generate the subset of leads you want to execute a bulk action to, select them, and pick one of the actions.

Use-case example: Let's say you have leads who gave you generic replies, and you want to re-engage them in another campaign. You tag them as 'Generic reply', and you filter by tag - all leads who get the tag 'Generic reply'. You select all of them, and click the 'Add to campaign' button to send them to the campaign that's gonna re-engage them.

LinkedIn inbox privacy

🧠 All HeyReach users can select how their LinkedIn Inbox is tracked within HeyReach. This ensures superior privacy, especially if you don't want your personal LinkedIn conversation to be mixed with the ones generated from HeyReach

When you are connecting your LinkedIn account, you can choose whether you want to import and track conversations from your LinkedIn account or track only conversations started from HeyReach.

  • Track and import all LinkedIn conversations: HeyReach will import all of your LinkedIn conversations that happened in the last 30 days

  • Track only conversations started from HeyReach: If you don't want to share your personal LinkedIn conversations - this option is for you. HeyReach will track and show only the conversations that are generated with leads from your HeyReach activity

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